Garden Development

Garden Development
Successful garden design, layout and development can be a very daunting task by any gardener, amateur or professional. We at SRES-Sweden follow the “8 rule” garden design strategy that ensures whatever the size of your planned outdoor garden/space, by following these 8 simple rules can result in a more successful, satisfying design. Whatever your outdoor space requirement, contact us for details on how we can assist you in design, planning, layout and grounds work.
- Obey the “law” of the significant enclosure: The law of significant enclosure says that we feel enclosed when the vertical edge of a space is at least one-third the length of the horizontal space we’re inhabiting.
- The imaginary regulating line: Follow an imaginary line that helps connect and organize the overall design (eg. prominent tree, existing pool, property boundary)
- The Golden rectangle ratio: Get the proportions of your outdoor space correct, the Golden Rectangle ratio is close to 1: 1.6, which is used to lay out terraces, patios, arbors, and lawns.
- Twice the height of the riser plus the tread should equal 26 inches: from steep rocky inclines to gentle changes of patio levels, this rule ensures the most comfortable step design for walking on.
- Scale to size: Always go big! When faced with a decision to build a patio wider or narrower, a pool longer or shorter, a pergola higher or lower, the answer is almost always the former.
- Plant big to small: Successful planting is the pinnacle touch of any garden or outdoor space. Always start big to small trees, then shrubs, then perennials and finally ground cover
- Power in quantity: While there is a lot to be said for a rich array of varied planting, there is a power in seeing a quantity of one plant.
- Eight Rule Wonder: “It’s better to plant a 5 Kr plant in a 50 Kr hole, than a 50 Kr plant in a 5 Kr hole”. If the plants are not well planted—at the right height, in a sufficiently sized, and properly amended pit—the results are likely be poor!